Friday, August 27, 2010

where fore

how do you solve a problem like maria, how do you catch a cloud and pin it down? downed clouds never had it so good. those that embody the rocks hold more wisdom than all the library's of science. how can i be cold hard facts? the fact that i am a thought holds none to bare beyond the semblance of never, never land, never again. intercalary, i lament the keeper's of the geared wheel. four turns i've been missing. the alchemy of a mental straight jacket. and we are all little dolls. or maybe just a result of the projections produced by vibrations emitted by my spinning wheels of light. maintain low tones. let it flow and let yourself go. i had a track, i had a care. now i'm someone's numb-er. they got me good this time. oh they got me. welcome to the new new deal. they've been hiding girls who kick up dust in asylums for years. the good doctors, christ lovers each one. no one wants to hear how we are all God. no one wants to hear about the synchronicities of the quantum. or of shamanistic awakenings. or of gnosis. no one wants to hear about those peoples, groups and entities who are not to be named. they're invisible anyway. like i am. echo echo! does this miss it's mark? again like the others. a beautiful mind. the indian schools indoctrinated the native children with a new religion too. i caught on like my life depended on it.

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