Thursday, April 22, 2010

What I See Is All of Me

Happy Earth Day Earth!!

Bless-ed be all sentient beings.
Those who are yet not
Let them awake.
Let them love
With open heart
Without judgment.
Let them love
Beyond measure

What we have cannot be bounded
By structure or intellect,
Does not have an equivalent
In any currency,
Lives outside of reason.

Let us love
Purely, as children.

In my minds eye
I hold you
In highest regard,
As pristine and

May all our communications
Be without judgment
Holding space, time suspended.

Remove all obstacles
Of mind and circumstance.
Create synchronous harmony,
Each need, as it is different
Fulfilled symbiotic.
In this single moment.
Which are all moments.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Doing Time

sing song for the human experience/d.block

we watch the waters rise and fall

suns and stars are born, collapse

our dream, in time, in form reveals

the karma of our past

how many lifetimes have come and gone

how many more will we let pass

until the time we're freed from form

making this our last

all our gods have gone beyond

all their lives complete

into the garden spiral

and now unseen


come clean

from suffered bondage

to completion's


a sudden evolution

of our fate

no more doing time

no more doing time

we are free from doing time

in compassion's love

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I think I know why I was eating so much. Too much kundalini energy! The heaviness and ganja was slowing me down and slowing expansion. Back to a healthy diet and meditating every morning and well...hmm. It wouldn't be so bad except I think blockages are moving through the meridians in my left side, specifically in my hip and it is somewhat painful. In a good way I suppose, because it is energy moving but oh holy god owww. I am much more accustomed now however to the correspondence between my inner world and my outer so at least that's not so much a problem. Anyway, here's to not getting in the way anymore of growth. Maybe at some point I'll get back to writing poems and things. That would be nice, I like those.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

firm yet gentle reminder

i really must reassess my definition of "gentle". so far today it's worked. must also return to size i was in september. absolutely doable. why that size? because it feels better. and looks better. so there.


not that this is terrible but....march.

actually that looks pretty good maybe but september felt better. i think. whatever. this has now crossed over into taking too much time.


real talk

he may never come back to live here and i might be okay with that. i might need to be okay with that. i am okay with that. that actually might be what i want. my body is grieving this closure. released the guilt in a show of tremendous self abuse in a final hurrah these last months. as if it were only okay to come to the conclusion that i am no longer his mother and have not been in effect for some time, i destroyed myself with various patterned flagellations. my life split off from his reality some time ago and the split personality which resulted is coming to an end. all the intricacies of 'my' story go and are gone. float along. no more penance. i'm done. no one needs me to suffer like this. this body is my home and needs to be cared for accordingly. it only takes three days of meditation, running, and pure food to return to the place of harmony i belong. it only takes an hour of drinking or binge eating to tear it asunder. make conscious choices. gluten and grains in all their forms are to be avoided. quinoa is okay, amaranth. brown rice.

we're getting a new fridge delivered on wednesday coincidently. noah is returning from his tour on friday. i like him. he likes me. we might hang out a bit on a fairly regular basis and create things. i think i'm okay with that. i have no attachment to it. i know the circles in which we roll. i have no illusions. everyone loves everyone. no one owns anyone. maybe there are primary relationships and maybe there are not. it's nice to be in my nature. it's nice to come into alignment with my self. without guilt or hang ups.

coming into alignment means working more. means creating more. means loving more. means producing. means representing. JOY THIS IS WHAT YOU DO. do not resist your nature, do not resist the flow. you do not even need to think about it. you've been thinking too much. let go. let it happen. show up.

be a better caretaker/mother/lover/friend to yourself. grace. gentleness. be gentle!!

i had a dream last night about huge hummingbird eggs, the size of goose eggs, vibrant teal. i was at the oceans edge and let them go into the foam at dusk. until i realized they were hatching when sharp beaks and feathers, fuchsia and yellow poked through the leathery shells. i quickly collected them and returned them to the nest. maybe two or just one floated away to the sea and Yemanja. the rest i held as they hatched. little porcupine needle hummingbirds. i had to talk them into flying into the bamboo cage we decorated with pretty lights and pink streamers in my grandparents dining room with the old chandelier. they floated and glowed and sang. i could sense they were unsure, that they were a little sad to be captured. they were my heart maybe. or the road. but they glowed bright blue green pink and yellow and they hummed. they were sad-happy and they were okay.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

more self love. and acceptance

more self love. and acceptance
more self love. and acceptance
more self love. and acceptance
more self love. and acceptance
more self love. and acceptance
more self love. and acceptance
more self love. and acceptance
more self love. and acceptance
more self love. and acceptance
more self love. and acceptance
more self love. and acceptance
more self love. and acceptance

Friday, April 2, 2010

honeycomb v.3

i leave all my honeycombs with you my lover
you light
my heart
oh resolve my name
kiss me on my back

carry in my heart your serum
you need to reup your energy with me and
oh my one god
why is it never enough for all of us
to stay

are we ever to be complete
release all of our illusions lover
would you love me even when i take another,

oh my light

carry in your heart my serum
would you bring me
back to life to live
with you